
Her Fiancé Confessed To Having Feelings For Her Gorgeous Best Friend, And They Also Cuddled As Well As Kissed Before Things Went Too Far

krugli - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Three years ago, this 26-year-old woman and her 27-year-old fiancé met a woman named Meg after being introduced through mutual friends.

It wasn’t long before she became super close to Meg. She always enjoys the time she gets to spend with Meg, and they frequently go out together.

“I must say, she’s STUNNING, outgoing personality and all the guys and even some girls in our group have a thing for her,” she explained.

A few weeks ago, she, Meg, her fiancé, and some of their friends enjoyed an evening out. They took the train that night, and on the way back home, they split into two different groups on the train.

She wasn’t sitting that close to her fiancé or Meg on the ride home, and then when it came time to get off the train, she noticed her fiancé basically running away.

She turned to Meg and asked where her fiancé had gone, and that’s when Meg said he had been cuddling with her on the train. Her fiancé even put his hand on Meg’s thigh before getting up and getting out of there.

She and Meg waited at the train station with some of their friends as they got taxis home before they headed out themselves.

Her house was within walking distance, so she and her guy friend, who was staying over at her place, walked back and dropped Meg off in the process.

When she got home, she was surprised to find that her fiancé wasn’t there. She desperately had to go to the bathroom too, and he had the key to get in.

krugli – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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