
Her Fiancé Ended Their Engagement The Day She Got Her Wedding Dress, Saying He Never Loved Her

Anton - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 24-year-old woman has been with her 25-year-old fiancé since 2021. He was the one who admitted he loved her before she said it first. She considered him to be her best friend and her everything in life.

Heartbreakingly enough, on the day she got her wedding dress and paid their vendors, her fiancé ended their engagement.

While she was at work that day, he moved all of his belongings out of their home and didn’t even give her a chance to speak to him about his decision.

He simply picked up and left before blocking her. She feels blindsided and horrified that he could abruptly do something like this.

“His reason for breaking up was he doesn’t love me, never has, and doesn’t find me attractive,” she explained.

“All of those things are so hard for me to believe. It all hurts so bad, and I don’t know what to do at this time.”

They had pets they shared, but he left all of them with her and didn’t take any. One of their cats has separation anxiety and has been freaking out since her fiancé walked away.

She can’t understand why he would adopt pets and sign a lease with her if he had no intention of being with her forever. She also can’t afford to pay the rent and provide for all their pets without help from him.

She doesn’t see why he asked her to marry him in the first place, either. And unfortunately, everything in her home basically reminds her of her fiancé since their lives were so connected while they were together.

Anton – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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