
Her Guy Best Friend Confessed To Being In Love With Her, But Then Her Ex Proposed To Her After 9 Years Apart

Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It was nine years ago that this 28-year-old woman split up with her 32-year-old ex-boyfriend. She did love him deeply, and she always will have love for him.

However, things ended because her ex said a couple of crazy things to her face, such as he only felt lust for her and that there was no love in his heart.

She had only been dating her ex for six months back then, and while that doesn’t seem like much time, she still loved him and made that clear to him.

“Still, I chose to break up because I didn’t want to be with someone shallow either. I prayed…so hard at that point to bring him back to me, but well, it didn’t happen,” she explained.

Last month, she ended up running into her ex at a store, and they decided to add one another on social media.

She thought it was harmless and friendly, especially since she was single and not interested in anyone.

Since March, she has spoken to her ex occassionally, but then she thought he was acting strange. He was acting almost scared and nervous, but she didn’t think to ask him why this was.

“During this time, I went on a date with my guy best friend, who confessed to loving me since day 1 of our college days but could never say it,” she said.

“It was a beautiful date (the best I have ever had). We went on two dates, and it’s safe to say that I fell for him somewhere. I know it’s too soon to fall for someone on two dates, but yeah, I feel that way.”

Pixel-Shot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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