
Her Sister Kept Taking Advantage Of Her For Childcare Because She’s A Stay-At-Home Mom, So She Finally Told Her Sister That She Doesn’t Want To Watch Three Extra Kids Every Single Day

“She said, ‘They have nowhere else to go, so can they just go with you, or can you reschedule it?’ After this happened many, many times in the past, I stood my ground and said no,” she shared.

During the conversation, she told her sister she refused to cancel her doctor’s appointment, and her sister was furious that she had to find someone else to care for her kids that day.

She later lectured her sister, stating that this was a great learning experience and that she had to find alternative childcare options for her three kids over the summer.

Then, she told her sister she wouldn’t be able to care for three more children every single day, especially when she had errands to run and couldn’t stay home with them or bring that many kids with her everywhere.

While she didn’t want to negatively impact her sister’s children or cause a tough situation for them, watching five children every day has been overwhelming.

What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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