
His Ex-Girlfriend Still Expects Him To Give Her An Allowance, Even Though She Dumped Him

“While my girlfriend has been supportive and tried her best to help me with these issues, making me take more interest in caring for myself properly, she has hit her limit,” he explained.

“She broke up with me, saying that we need to fix our friendship before we can consider being in a relationship. I do not disagree. Over the last few months, things have been steadily sliding downhill, and I can see the logic of her decision.”

Because his now ex-girlfriend is still in medical school and was heavily reliant on his income, he decided he’d continue to give her money for necessary and important things like her car payment, phone bill, food for her dog, etc.

However, his ex-girlfriend believes she should also receive the extra money she used to get for her allowance.’

“Since all of her necessities are taken care of, I do not feel like it is fair to me to have to continue giving her additional money,” he added.

Should he consider giving his ex-girlfriend extra spending money, or is he already doing enough to support her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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