
His Wife’s Been Managing Their Finances For 30 Years, But He Just Found Out They’re In Over $500,000 Of Debt

opolja - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man and his wife have been together for 30 years, and throughout most of their marriage, his wife was always in charge of running their finances.

They came to this arrangement because, in the beginning, it just made sense. Without the financial responsibility, he was able to focus on his career; meanwhile, his wife ran their household.

“This arrangement worked well for us,” he recalled, “But I always felt like things weren’t quite right.”

Apparently, money was always an issue for much of their marriage. However, their finances weren’t in a terrible state.

“So I always had a cursory understanding of what things looked like but really turned a blind eye,” he explained.

Back in January, though, he realized that their accounts were frequently getting overdrawn. Plus, multiple loans had been taken out in his name. That’s why he finally decided to completely take over managing their finances, and what he discovered absolutely horrified him.

He found out that he and his wife were over half a million dollars in debt, including their house. On top of that, all of their credit cards are currently maxed out.

This pushed him to immediately put both himself and his wife on a strict budget.

“And I had to cancel all of her recurring donations to various dog rescue agencies,” he added.

opolja – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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