
She’s Been Selling Homemade Lunches To Her Male Coworkers As A Side Hustle For Years, But Now One Of Her Coworkers’ Wives Is Calling Her A Homewrecker And Demanding That She Stop - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Sometimes, to make a little extra money in this crazy economy, you have to work a side hustle. Unfortunately, some people get in the way of your side hustle.

One young woman has been selling homemade lunches to some of her male coworkers for years. Now, one of her coworkers’ wives is trying to get her to stop.

She’s 23 and has worked in the same warehouse for four years. It pays her well, and she’s trying to save enough money to buy a house. To speed things up and make some extra cash, she has been making and selling lunches for her coworkers, who are primarily male.

“My food tastes better than anything we can get close by, and it’s also cheaper,” she said.

“Now, I have to be very clear: these are coworkers; they are not friends. I just sell them lunches, and we usually eat at the same time and place. One of my coworkers got married earlier this year, but he continued to buy lunches from me, which is normal since most of my customers are also married. But earlier this week, I got a call from his wife, and she asked me, more like ordered me, to stop making her husband lunches.”

She was taken aback by the phone call and told her coworker’s wife that if she didn’t want him to buy her food anymore, she should make him stop asking her himself. Not wanting to get bossed around anymore, she quickly said goodbye, hung up, and texted her coworker. 

She told him what happened and asked that his wife never contact her again.

“He was apologetic and assured me that he would [talk to] her,” she recalled.

“But, he didn’t stop buying lunches from me, and I continued selling them to him. His wife sent me a scathing text, calling me a [homewrecker]. I didn’t reply; I just forwarded it to her husband and blocked her. He apologized to me again, told me he talked with her, and said he would still buy lunches from me.” – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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