
These Are All The Clever And Interesting Ways You Can Use Clear Nail Polish Around Your House

Coat the screw with a couple of layers of polish. It acts as an adhesive to hold everything together until you can get the item repaired properly.

This quick fix is super handy, but it’s only a temporary solution. It’s also not recommended to use clear nail polish on large, heavy items like the base of furniture.

Sealing An Envelope

The taste of envelope seals is not everyone’s cup of tea. Instead of licking your envelope shut or dabbing water on the seal, swipe some clear nail polish along the underside of the envelope flap. Let it dry to ensure a more secure hold.

Protect Jewelry From Rust

When costume jewelry is exposed to sweat and oils, it has the tendency to tarnish or turn dull. To extend the life of your jewelry, paint a thin layer of clear polish on your beloved pieces.

Additionally, it can stop your fingers and earlobes from turning green. Not only will clear nail polish help your jewelry maintain its sparkle and prevent rust, but it will also protect people with nickel allergies from rashes and skin sensitivities.

Keep Necklaces In Place

Clear nail polish can work its magic on jewelry in other ways, too. It’s annoying when your necklace always rotates around your neck, isn’t it?

You’re constantly left with the charm at the back of your neck and the unsightly clasp in the front. Well, the problem can be resolved with clear polish!

Place a small dot of it on the skin at the back of your neck. Then, press your necklace clasp on top of it. Your necklace should stay in place all day. To remove the clear polish, use warm water and soap.

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