
This Apple Blondie Recipe Makes A Perfect Sweet Treat No Matter The Season

Pour the batter into an eight-by-eight-inch pan coated in butter or avocado oil, and bake it in the oven for 35 to 45 minutes. To check if it’s done, stick a knife in the middle and see if the blade comes out clean.

Slice your creation into bars, and enjoy the apple blondies while they’re still warm and fresh from the oven! If you’d like, you can pair them with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Many TikTok users left a bunch of different ideas that slightly modify the recipe according to their own personal preferences.

“Add butterscotch chips to the top, and you will not regret it. My mom makes these, and they go so fast,” stated one user.

“Been making these for years. I also add caramel bits to the batter or drizzle caramel over the top,” commented another.

“I added a pinch of salt—it came out great! Next time, I want to experiment with a portion of the sugar as brown sugar and maybe vanilla,” wrote a third.


If there’s one recipe that deserves to go viral, it’s Mama Lennon’s apple blondies ??? ? #hotpeopleeatfood#fallrecipes#desserts

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