
Her Fiancé Plans To Go A Golf Trip Just Two Weeks Before She’s Supposed To Have Their Baby, So She Feels Like He Cares More About Having Fun With His Friends Than Being There For Her

annanahabed - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman is currently engaged, and she and her fiancé are expecting their very first baby together. Right now, she’s 24 weeks pregnant, and her due date will be at the beginning of August.

But, to her surprise, her fiancé recently brought up the idea of going away on a weekend golf trip with his buddies just two weeks before she was supposed to give birth.

“He didn’t ask; just basically told me he was doing that,” she recalled.

Her fiancé claimed that he and his friends would only be two and a half hours away. Plus, he said that since labor lasts a long time, it would be “okay.”

She didn’t really agree with him, though, and pointed out how she’s obviously never had a baby or gone into labor before. So, she’d hoped he would be there for her and drive her to the hospital.

“It’s a nerve-racking and possibly a once-in-a-lifetime situation for me,” she reasoned.

Well, her fiancé just claimed that his mom would be more than happy to take her to the hospital. And she wasn’t very happy with his response.

She tried telling him how she didn’t want anyone else to have to drive her or be there for her while he was gone. She would rather just be with her fiancé or by herself.

Then, she attempted to come up with a compromise that would work for both of them.

annanahabed – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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