
He Bailed On His Ex-Girlfriend’s Birthday Party Because He Couldn’t Bear To Go After Their Breakup And Got Called Selfish And Inconsiderate

deagreez - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old guy just got out of a relationship with his now ex-girlfriend, who is 25. Apparently, they broke up about a month ago due to differences that they just “couldn’t reconcile.”

But, despite their split, she actually said that she wanted to remain friends. So, he was recently invited to his ex’s birthday party – which she had been planning for weeks – and claimed she’d really like him to attend.

For obvious reasons, though, he had some hesitations about going to the celebration.

“As I am still dealing with the aftermath of our breakup, seeing her would only reopen wounds,” he said.

Well, even when he expressed his reservations about it, his ex just kept insisting and saying the party wouldn’t be the same if he wasn’t there.

So, he fully intended to show up for his ex. Yet, on the actual day of the party, he simply wasn’t able to muster up the courage to attend.

“The thought of facing her and pretending everything was fine was too much for me to bear,” he admitted.

That’s why he wound up texting his ex instead, telling her that he really wasn’t feeling up for a party. Then, he wished her a happy birthday.

Rather than being understanding, though, his ex was actually really disappointed in him. She said she had hoped that they could “at least be civil” and enjoy one last celebration together. Then, he even got accused of being selfish and inconsiderate of his ex’s feelings.

deagreez – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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