
He’s Only Letting His Friend Bring A Plus-One To His Wedding If They Enter A Serious Relationship By The Wedding Date, But His Friend’s Making Him Feel Bad About It

Ekaterina Pichukova - - illustrative purposes only

This 35-year-old man will be tying the knot next year, and one of his 36-year-old friends named Jay will be in attendance. He and Jay have actually known each other for over a decade, hence the wedding invitation.

“We have somewhat grown apart in recent years but used to be close friends,” he said.

Anyway, while planning his wedding, he and his partner decided to only give plus-ones to guests who have spouses or serious significant others.

After all, they want to keep the wedding small with just friends and family and control the cost of the wedding.

“We would prefer not to have strangers or casual partners there, except under special circumstances,” he explained.

For instance, if a guest didn’t know literally anybody else in attendance, he would gladly give that guest a plus-one. But, for everyone else, he preferred to reserve plus-ones for serious partners only.

Now, this became a problem when he talked to Jay, and his friend learned that they wouldn’t be extending a plus-one.

Apparently, Jay is single right now and tends to date casually – never actually entering any long-term commitments with people. That’s why he was hesitant to let Jay bring a date.

“So I told Jay he could bring a plus-one if he enters a serious relationship by the wedding date,” he recalled.

Ekaterina Pichukova – – illustrative purposes only

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