
His Pregnant Wife Got Angry That He Didn’t Offer To Get Her Ice Cream After Dinner, So He Said Maybe She Isn’t Ready To Be A Mom Yet If She’s Going To Act Like A Child

He felt like his wife was essentially acting like a child who couldn’t use her words to tell him what she wanted.

In hindsight, he wondered if he didn’t focus as much on his wife’s needs because he is always so overwhelmed and busy at work and is thinking about other things. If his wife rants or sends him a text, he doesn’t pay too much attention or remember it.

“So, after what I said, my wife has been giving me the silent treatment, and I will not grovel when I know I’ve done nothing wrong. I simply ignored it, and it has been three days now,” he shared.

Even though his wife hasn’t spoken to him, he has been pretending nothing is happening, which seems to upset her more. She wants him to tell he whether he values their marriage.

He responded that he didn’t care that she was angry over something he didn’t think should be a problem, adding that he shouldn’t have to put pressure on himself to live up to her standards. His wife’s eyes welled up with tears. She looked stunned and walked back into the bedroom.

Do you think he was wrong?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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