She Feels Humiliated That Her Husband Called Her “White Trash” In Front Of His Friends

Last Friday night, this 24-year-old woman and her 23-year-old husband were out with some friends at a karaoke bar.
She got up on stage to sing a country song, but the rest of their friends stayed behind at the table. During her moment on stage, her husband remarked that she was the most country out of all the women in the bar that evening.
“…When asked if he meant I grew up on a farm, he replied with, “No, she grew up in a pretty white trash area, not that she’s white trash,” she explained.
Her husband mentioned this to her last night while they were talking about another country song she had sung at the karaoke bar a couple of months ago.
She instantly burst into tears, and that’s when her husband realized he really messed up big time.
Sadly, this is not the first time her husband has made an insulting joke at her expense. But anyway, after the waterworks started, her husband quickly said sorry while promising he was not trying to hurt her feelings.
He then backtracked and stated he never thought she was white trash at all. He further tried to cover it all up by insisting his own loved ones don’t think being called white trash is an insult, and they’re all proud to be called hillbillies or rednecks.
“The issue is, he grew up middle class, I’d argue upper middle class and did not grow up in poverty,” she said.
“So he’s never been called any of these names in a true rude and derogatory manner. I have. My family was on food stamps and welfare my entire life. My sister and I rarely got new clothes, shoes, hygiene products, etc.”

aspenphoto – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
“My sister didn’t have a bed after she got too big for her toddler bed because my parents could never afford one. So yeah, the white trash comment hurt a lot because, to other people, I am white trash. I had no prospects, barely went to college, and nearly went bankrupt after I got kicked out and lost my car.”
She tried to get her husband to understand why his comment was so painful for her to hear, but he didn’t care in the least.
Her husband was fully aware his remark was hurtful and mean, and she thinks that’s why he kept it to himself for a whole week.
She’s left feeling humiliated that her husband called her white trash in front of all his friends, and she’s convinced they will all think less of her now.
“I’m just terribly hurt by this and know it’ll take some time to truly move on, but when you’ve been called something by people your whole life, it’s not easy,” she concluded.
What advice do you have for her?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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