Another Mom Wants Her To Stop Sending Her Kid To School With Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwiches Because Their Son Has No Friends To Sit With In The Peanut Butter-Free Section

Mikhaylovskiy - - illustrative purposes only
Mikhaylovskiy - - illustrative purposes only

Having a kid with food allergies can be very stressful for parents, as they can’t always control the people and foods they run into and don’t know when someone is going to disrespect or ignore their allergies.

One mom is in an argument with one of the other moms at her son’s school, who wants her to stop sending her son to school with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, as her son is allergic to peanuts and wants to hang out with her son and his friends at lunch.

She is the mom of a son named Ryan, who is in the sixth grade. There’s a kid named Liam at Ryan’s school who he’s known since kindergarten. While they’re not good friends, Liam and Ryan have spent a lot of time together, and she’s friendly with Liam’s mom.

“Liam has a peanut allergy [that’s] not super severe, but he has had two allergic reactions at school over the years and was treated with the Epi-pen he always carries with him,” she said.

“I’ve known Liam’s mom since the boys began kindergarten, and she’s the extreme definition of a helicopter parent. She meddles in everything in Liam’s life.”

Ryan and Liam’s school has a special system in place for kids with allergies at lunchtime. There is a designated allergy table that’s reserved for kids with intense food allergies, like peanut allergies.

While it may sound isolating, other children can sit at that table as long as they don’t have any of the major allergens in their food. So, while Liam never sits alone at that table, his mother has hated the allergy table policy for the longest time, as she believes it isolates him from his friends.

Ryan, on the other hand, loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and eats them for lunch almost every single day. She enjoys making them because they’re cheap and easy, and Ryan likes the consistency of them.

However, recently, Liam has been showing an interest in hanging out with Ryan and his friend group at lunchtime.

Mikhaylovskiy – – illustrative purposes only

“Ryan doesn’t mind Liam, but he can’t eat at the allergy table because of his lunch choice, and the other boys sit with Ryan,” she explained.

“Liam’s mom doesn’t like that [and] she finally became president of the school PTA to get peanut butter banned for a bit last December. I admit that [made me mad], and I immediately fought back against the ban, as did other parents.”

“The ban was lifted [and] as a compromise, the school did away with the ‘allergy section and instead made a designated section for kids to sit in if they eat peanut butter. Ryan sits at that specific table and is happy to have his preferred lunch back.”

Less than a week after this change was made, Ryan’s friends began joining him at his special table, leaving Liam and his allergies behind once again. This made Liam’s mom furious.

The other day, she received a call from Liam’s mom, who demanded that she stop sending Ryan to school with peanut butter so Liam could hang out with him and his friends at lunch.

“I said no, and I was tired of her entitled ‘Karen’ behavior, she recalled. “Lunch is 20 minutes of the school day. Liam can interact with those boys outside of that 20 minutes.”

“[Now], she’s blasting me all over town, calling me a bully and claiming that I’m making her son feel unsafe at school by letting Ryan eat peanut butter, and [saying] Liam should switch schools.”

“I hope he does and takes his crazy mom with him! A few other moms think I should just make Ryan eat something else. I’m not doing that.”

Should she start sending Ryan to school without peanut butter to end the drama, or is Liam’s mom being ridiculous?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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