He Threw A Bouquet Of Roses For His Girlfriend In The Trash After Realizing She’s Been Trading In The Custom-Made Jewelry He Got Her

Sergei - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only
Sergei - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

This 25-year-old man has been dating his girlfriend, Alyssa, for just over two years now. And throughout their relationship, he has purchased her a wide range of gifts – including everything from chocolate and roses to gold jewelry.

“I recently got her a custom gold monogram necklace with both of our initials as an anniversary present,” he said.

Plus, just yesterday, he even decided to bring Alyssa some roses. But when he actually got home, he walked in to find her holding a new necklace.

He actually liked it, too, and asked his girlfriend where she’d gotten it. It was then that he found out Alyssa had actually traded his anniversary present for the new necklace.

At first, he didn’t quite understand what she meant and asked Alyssa to clarify. She didn’t hold back, either, and told him that his gift choice was bad and “tacky.” That’s why she went and traded it in for something she “actually likes.”

“I was crushed,” he recalled, “I didn’t expect that. I just kind of stood there awkwardly, still holding the roses.”

Once he had collected his thoughts, he asked his girlfriend where she had gotten an idea like that. Well, she just told him to “relax” and revealed how she trades in his gifts all the time!

This only made him angrier, and in the heat of the moment, he stepped away from his girlfriend and shoved the bouquet of roses he’d bought in the trash.

Afterward, he said that since his taste was apparently so bad, he doubted she’d even want the roses he picked out. So, he claimed Alyssa could just use his credit card to buy her own bouquet.

Sergei – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

Alyssa proceeded to start crying after he said that and called him a “volatile” jerk. She also claimed that since he gave her the gifts, it was her business what she did with them.

“Yes, I gave them to her, but I would have appreciated her letting me know. Not to mention, I think that’s a [rude] thing to do to a partner,” he vented.

“Who trades off jewelry? Where do you even do that? I had them custom-made!”

Aside from the rudeness, he’s also upset because he spent a lot of money on all the custom jewelry he’s gifted Alyssa in the past. So, if she didn’t like his taste, he would’ve rathered her to just be honest. Then, he would have purchased something she picked out and “cut out the middle man.”

Nonetheless, even though he’s still “fuming” over the situation, he’s not sure if throwing his girlfriend’s roses in the trash after finding out about the jewelry trade-ins was an overreaction.

How would you feel in his shoes? Was throwing away the roses justified or not?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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