Her Dad’s Affair Partner Got Super Nasty After She Didn’t Allow Her Daughter To Be The Flower Girl At Her Wedding

ksyusha_yanovich - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual children
ksyusha_yanovich - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual children

Come October, this 28-year-old woman and her 27-year-old fiancé are going to have their wedding. They picked out a dreamy venue, and they’re almost done planning everything out.

Now, her dad had an affair with a woman whom he is currently married to. Her dad’s affair partner has two children from a prior relationship: a boy, eight, and a girl, six.

As for her mom, she got remarried after the affair, and she’s super close with her new stepdad.

“My father offered to pay a significant amount of money for the wedding and wanted to walk me down the aisle,” she explained.

“I told him that I only wanted my stepfather to walk me down. He was heartbroken but understood why I made my choice.”

While that made some waves in their family, nothing was more dramatic than when she and her fiancé asked her fiancé’s brother if his 5-year-old daughter could be their flower girl.

Her fiancé’s niece was thrilled to accept the role, and she figured that wouldn’t be an issue for anyone.

However, when her dad’s wife found out about this, she got super nasty, as she anticipated that her own daughter would get to have the role.

“I have no contact with my father’s wife, so it took me by surprise when she sent me a long text message wanting to know if her daughter could be the flower girl as my father put a ton of money into the wedding,” she said.

ksyusha_yanovich – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual children

“I told her that we had already asked my fiance’s niece to be [the] flower girl. His wife started sending me hateful text messages on how I am being ungrateful and [that] this is the least I could do for my father.”

“I told her that I would happily return the money that he gave me for the wedding. She sent me a few more messages calling me [a jerk], and I had enough and blocked her.”

Her dad then sent her a message asking her to come up with a compromise with his wife in order to maintain peace.

Her dad wants her to allow his wife’s daughter to be a flower girl along with her fiancé’s niece. She responded to her dad that this is becoming too stressful and if he and his wife keep pushing her, they’re no longer invited to her wedding.

Ever since that conversation, her dad’s family has been reaching out to call her a jerk, so she’s left wondering if it is wrong of her to refuse the compromise.

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