Her Husband Asked To Separate On Their 14-Year Anniversary And Admitted To Cheating, Then Got Angry That She Moved On So Quickly After He Left Her

Liubomir - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Liubomir - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s hard enough to imagine breaking up with someone you’ve been with for more than ten years, but it’s even harder to imagine breaking up with them on your anniversary.

One woman entered a new relationship six weeks after her ex dumped her on their 14th anniversary, and now he’s mad at her for moving on “so quickly.”

She and her ex-husband are in their late 40s. They had been together for 14 years and decided to book an international trip for their 14th anniversary.

They had only been on their trip for two days when her husband admitted he needed to get something off his chest despite the inconvenient timing.

“The night before our anniversary, he brought up that he wasn’t very happy in the relationship but didn’t know why,” she recalled.

“The next morning, I asked to look at his phone, and he said no. He said I would find ‘flirty’ messages with one or more other women on it. He had made some female friends through school and work, and he said he felt like there might be someone out there who was a better fit for him.”

She told her husband she didn’t want to go through an official separation with him, as she believed that if they gave up right away and separated, it’d be nearly impossible for them to work on their relationship. However, he told her he needed to separate from her.

So, they rebooked their flights to get home earlier, and as soon as they returned to their place, her husband began packing up his things and left. A week later, he showed up back at their house and wanted to give marriage counseling a try.

“The counseling was not helpful, as he was defensive and not open to it,” she said.

Liubomir – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“I suspect something physical happened with the other woman, but I do not have any proof. He had deleted all his flirty texts, Snapchat, etc., so I could not see them. After four weeks of living together again and attending counseling sessions, he decided he no longer wanted to try to save the marriage, and he was leaving. He packed up and left a few hours later. He stayed with a friend, found a new apartment, and signed a one-year lease.”

She was so heartbroken by what happened that she had to take time off work to process everything and attend therapy on her own.

About a month later, she finally began feeling like herself again. Around that time, she went out for drinks with a few coworkers, including a male coworker in his early 40s whom she had met on Zoom a few times.

She had a great time with that coworker, and they decided to start seeing each other. They went from going on dates a few nights a week to forming an “amazing and loving” relationship.

“I’ve stayed in counseling, as it wasn’t easy to process the sudden ending of my long-term marriage at the same time as beginning something new,” she admitted.

“It’s been about 7 months now. My ex-husband eventually decided he wanted to try to save the marriage again, but I declined. He says I’m [wrong] for starting a new relationship so quickly, within six weeks of him leaving. Our relationship was over, as I could no longer trust him, and he had hurt me immensely. I do not want a relationship with someone I cannot trust.”

Should she feel bad for entering a new relationship six weeks after her marriage ended, or is it great that she found someone who made her happy when she did?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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