His Husband Wants To Take Out A Loan For $170,000 To Build A Pool Right Now, But He’s Worried About Going Into Debt

KOTO - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only
KOTO - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

For the last several years, this 42-year-old man and his 44-year-old husband have been discussing majorly overhauling their home.

He recently sold his old house, which was supposed to help them with coming up with renovation money, but then the market took a hit.

So, he sold his house for much less than he thought he would, and now that his husband wants to build a pool ASAP, he has brought up taking out a huge loan to bridge the gap.

The loan is for $170,000, and they will need to come up with an additional $144,000 to pay just the interest on it.

He admits they can afford to take out the loan, as he makes $175,000 a year and his husband makes $220,000, but he is worried about putting themselves into debt over a pool.

If they forgo the pool, they will have enough cash saved up to renovate their home instead, and then they can work on saving up again for the pool.

“I’ve told him this, and he says he’s worked hard for years so we can be financially flexible, and he just doesn’t want to wait on the pool,” he explained.

“He also said he actually can pay the loan payments himself (assuming we put in the money from my house sale). What would you do in my shoes? For context, he’s worked hard in a high-paying job since grad school and invests more in a nice home, clothes, etc, than I.”

“I worked my way up in public service and didn’t even hit six figures until my mid-30s, and I’ve saved less and prefer to spend less on the house because I like to travel and also have to help my parents here and there (vs. him…whose parents have always been there to pay for things like his travel).”

KOTO – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

He is in a wonderful place money-wise, but he is interested in switching careers sometime in the near future, and he will be taking a pay cut to do this so that also concerns him when it comes to taking out a loan.

He believes the best way to compromise with his husband is to ask his husband to take the loan out under his name, and he can pay half of the principal but a quarter of the interest.

He just thinks it’s absurd to have to pay so much money to get a pool ASAP, but that’s the reality, given how bad the rates are currently.

What advice do you have for him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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