She’s Convinced Her Father-In-Law Is Creepily Watching Her On Her Home Cameras Set Up For Her Cat

Rawlstock - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or cat
Rawlstock - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or cat

This 24-year-old woman lives in an apartment along with her husband and their cat. She decided to buy two home security cameras and install them throughout her place so she can watch her cat when they’re away.

One of the cameras is in her bedroom, and one is in her living room. She likes that the cameras also serve as a good idea for home security.

Several days ago, her husband was gone on a work trip, and she was in her bedroom when she noticed the camera light turn on.

The light only turns on like that when someone is watching the video feed. Just as quickly as the light went on, it shut back off.

She figured her husband had been taking a peek at the video feed, as they both will do that to check up on one another, and she has no problem with her husband checking the cameras.

She sent her husband a text, but he had no clue what she meant. From there, she assumed she had to have made it up that someone was watching the camera in their bedroom.

Later on that same evening, she had gotten out of the shower and was drying off in her bedroom when she caught the camera light going on again.

She instantly thought to ask her husband if he was watching her, but he wasn’t this time either.

“I got scared, so I looked up if there was a way to see who was watching, and I found out that I can check what devices are logged in/have access to the cameras,” she explained.

Rawlstock – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or cat

“And, when I checked it, it was my father-in-law’s phone…Then, I remembered that he was here a few months ago when we went away for a vacation to look after the cat.”

She had assisted her father-in-law with getting onto the app so he could have a view of their cat, too.

When they had come home from vacation, she asked her father-in-law to sign out of the app, and he insisted he had already done that.

When she checked who had access to the camera the night she saw it go on, it said her father-in-law was still logged into the app.

She filled her husband in, and then her husband called her father-in-law about it. Her father-in-law got offended and said he hadn’t been watching her on the cameras. He claimed that perhaps there was some kind of glitch showing he still had access to them.

Suspiciously enough, after the call, her father-in-law’s phone stopped showing up on the app.

“I feel so violated as there were many times I was changing or doing other stuff in front of the cameras, and I saw the light on, and I just assumed it was my husband (to be fair, a lot of times, it was my husband, but I didn’t check every time because I automatically assumed that it was him because I thought we were the only ones with the access),” she said.

“And it creeps me out so much to think that he could have been watching all throughout, even when my husband and I were getting intimate. I don’t know what to do now because my husband is saying his dad is not the type to do such a thing. He trusts him, and he thinks it probably was a glitch.”

“I know now it’s not showing, and we logged out, restarted, and everything, so there isn’t a way for him to access them again, but I still feel so violated and embarrassed. But I don’t know what to do because I have no way to prove that he was watching even if he had access “accidentally.”

Her father-in-law has always been super crude, which makes her extra convinced he was using the home cameras to spy on her.

He also made a remark about how she and her husband go at it like rabbits recently, which she thought was an off-handed remark, but now she thinks he said that based on the camera feed.

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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