How To Keep Your House Cool: No Air Conditioning Necessary

FollowTheFlow - - illustrative purposes only
FollowTheFlow - - illustrative purposes only

People all across the country have recently dealt with an intense heat wave, which was a rough way to start off the summer.

This is the season when most of us, with our resilience, have to endure extremely high temperatures and manage all the aspects that come with summer heat, like sweat, humidity, etc.

While there are many of us lucky enough to have solid air conditioning systems, some people aren’t so lucky. Additionally, maybe someone has air conditioning, whether it be central air or a window unit, but they can’t afford to run up their power bill by keeping it on all the time.

If you’re in that situation and want to avoid using your air conditioning all the time, here are some practical tips for making your space a bit cooler without it.

Use blackout blinds or curtains

Not only are blackout blinds great for keeping the sun from shining in your eyes in the morning, but they can also keep heat out.

If the sun shines through your windows, it can make your rooms a lot hotter than you want them to be, so invest in some good blackout curtains to have more control.

Avoid using the oven or stove

Of course, you have to cook and feed yourself, but if you use your oven several times during the day, you should ease up. Using your oven and stove can produce a lot of excess heat in your area, and it can be hard to keep up with cooling it down.

FollowTheFlow – – illustrative purposes only

See if you can get away with microwaving your meals more often or meal-prepping so you can easily reheat them without constantly having your oven and stovetop on.

Try getting away with using fans

If you have a high-quality fan to use in your home, that can help you use your air conditioner for shorter periods of time and save a bit of power. You can turn on your air conditioner for a few minutes, turn it off, and then use a fan to let that cold air continue circulating.

Open your windows at night

It’s fairly well-known that the temperature gets cooler at night during the summertime, and in some areas, it can actually get rather chilly at night.

To save some power, keep your air conditioner in better shape, and avoid melting, open your windows at night before bed.

If you need some extra cooling, plug in a fan. Not only will the open windows provide you with a natural breeze, but they’ll help air out your space.

Again, I know how hard it can be to survive the heat in the summertime, especially as someone who’s spent summers in humid cities and boiling southern states.

However, following these tips can help you keep your space a little cooler than usual without solely relying on your air conditioner.

Remember always to stay hydrated, and good luck!

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