Instead Of Worrying About Having A Bikini Body, Focus On Becoming Your Best Self This Summer

Now is the time of year when we start getting all sorts of videos and ‘guides’ on our social media feeds with tips on how to get our ‘summer bodies’ ready.
I always get stressed when I see fitness and lifestyle influencers pop up on my feed, telling me I have ‘x’ amount of days until summer and, therefore, ‘x’ days to get my body bikini ready.
Summer is such a fun season, as it gives us the opportunity to enjoy warm weather, a vacation or two, and some fun activities that heal our inner child. Why in the world would we want to spend our summers stressed out about how we look in a bathing suit?
On the one hand, some health influencers do have a point, as they encourage us not to let go of our healthy habits during the summertime completely.
While summer is the perfect season for treating ourselves and relaxing, it can get easy to get caught up in all the fun to the point where we’re not taking very good care of ourselves.
So, let’s find a happy medium! Here are some valuable summer self-care and health tips that aren’t focused on building a “bikini body” but on living your best life and becoming your best self.
First, remember that caring for your well-being means paying attention to your mental health. Do some weekly check-ins over the summer by journaling and meditating. Reflect on what you want to accomplish over the summer and how you’ve been feeling week by week.
Be honest with yourself and make decisions according to how you’re feeling about your summer. Do you need more rest? Do you need to get out of the house more? Keeping in touch with your mental health will be incredibly helpful for getting through the summer.
Regarding physical health, you don’t need to spend your summer cooped up in a gym because you don’t think you have a bikini body. However, if you want to incorporate some exercise into your summer routine and move your body, do it in ways that make you happy.

DavidPrado – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
For instance, don’t stress about missing the gym while on vacation; just go for a jog on the beach! Start every morning by taking your dog for a walk so you and your pup can stretch your legs.
Hit up a pilates or yoga class with your friends if you have some downtime. With any physical activity, don’t forget to get some good rest afterward!
Finally, don’t forget to ‘romanticize’ the simple, little things this summer. Instead of focusing so much on how your body looks this summer, enjoy the little things about the season that make you happy, whether that’s grabbing ice cream with friends, reading a book on the beach, driving with the windows down, and listening to your favorite summer songs, etc.
Again, this is a time of year to be cherished, so don’t waste it worrying about how you look. Just have fun and take care of your best self!
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