She Thinks She Caught Her Boyfriend Stealing Money From Her On Her Home Security Camera

Miljan Živkovi? - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Miljan Živkovi? - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old woman and her 19-year-old boyfriend have been dating for nearly one year, and they’ve also been living together for a few months.

Her boyfriend actually moved into her house about three months ago, and aside from some normal bickering over chores, everything has been going smoothly.

However, she recently realized that she keeps missing money from her wallet, and she’s scared that her boyfriend is the one stealing from her.

The first incident occurred when she and her boyfriend got back from a family vacation to Mexico, and she realized that she was missing $200 from her emergency fund – which she normally stores in her car.

“I didn’t accuse him of taking it, but I did bring it up to him, which started a small argument where he revealed to me that, growing up, he would always be blamed when things would break or go missing,” she explained.

“I dropped the subject and did not bring it up again.”

Yet, not that long afterward, she noticed that another $50 went missing from her wallet. So, she spoke to her boyfriend about it, but she didn’t blame it on him. Rather, she assumed that her sister or one of her other family members had gone into her purse and used the cash after she left it in her car overnight.

Still, her final straw was this past weekend – when she discovered that the $350 she’d been storing in a purse under her bed was missing. She didn’t hesitate to ask her boyfriend about it, either, and he immediately denied knowing about what happened to the funds. Plus, he even offered to help her look for the missing money.

She does have one camera in her house, though, so she decided to start reviewing the footage from when she had the money in her hand, walked into her bedroom, and put it away.

Miljan Živković – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“After a few hours of reviewing, I noticed something that was really concerning to me. While I was in the bathroom, he walked in the bedroom and came out about five seconds later,” she revealed.

“He then walked to the couch and pulled out a rolled-up amount of money that looked identical to what I had been missing, identical in the way that I had it rolled up when I threw it in my purse.”

Afterward, her boyfriend put the money in his own wallet and actually went into the bathroom to go check on her!

Now, she is truly shocked by the footage she watched and doesn’t want to believe that her boyfriend has been stealing money from her.

“I have helped him countless times financially, loaning him over $1,000 this year, which he did pay me back recently,” she vented.

“But I can’t shake the feeling that my suspicions are correct, especially now. He’s had a rough couple of months financially due to not getting paid from his military job due to paperwork issues.”

She also always tries to be supportive of her boyfriend and never throws his financial problems in his face. Obviously, though, stealing from her is a completely different story and definitely not okay.

So now, she’s at a loss about what to do and isn’t sure if showing her boyfriend the video footage and demanding that he tells her the truth would be the right way to handle this situation.

Do you think her boyfriend is behind all of the missing money? Should she confront him? What would you do? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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