She Threatened To Have A Drink Thrown On Her Mother-In-Law If She Upstages Her At Her Wedding

fotofabrika - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
fotofabrika - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Sometimes, mother-in-laws have a bad habit of taking over projects or events that aren’t theirs and making things about them. This happens a lot when women are trying to plan their dream wedding but can’t seem to escape their future mother-in-law’s requests.

One woman recently embarrassed her mother-in-law in front of one of her coworkers because she wouldn’t stop taking over or taunting her wedding plans.

She is getting married soon, and while she loves her fiancé, his mom has been difficult to get along with. Her fiancé’s mom is a very controlling woman who clearly thinks she’s better than her. 

While she’s proud of her fiancé for not being a total “mama’s boy” and standing his ground on certain issues, sometimes his mom’s drama is hard to avoid.

Things have been especially tense while trying to plan her upcoming wedding. The drama began when she told her future mother-in-law that she couldn’t wear a pale gold dress she picked out for the wedding because it would upstage her as a bride.

“Ever since then, she has been threatening to upstage me or to wear white,” she explained.

“The other night, my mother-in-law took us to dinner and started up again. She was teasing me about how she gave birth to [my fiancé] and should be able to wear whatever she wants. [She also was] implying that my dress was plain.”

Then, she noticed that her mother-in-law’s work rival, a man named Scott, walked into the restaurant and was seated at another table for a date. Scott and her fiancé’s mom had a famous rivalry, as once, he threw a drink at her after she allegedly stole one of his clients.

So, when her mother-in-law continued to tease her during dinner, she thought of a great way to shut her down. She got up and approached Scott’s table despite protests from her mother-in-law, who followed closely behind her.

fotofabrika – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She apologized for interrupting Scott’s date, then said she heard he liked throwing drinks at her mother-in-law.

She then asked him if he’d attend her wedding and throw red wine on her mother-in-law if she wore anything she deemed inappropriate.

“I’ve never seen [my mother-in-law] look that embarrassed,” she recalled.

“Her face went red, and Scott burst out laughing. He said there was nothing in the world he would love [to do] more.”

“My mother-in-law dragged me [away] and read me the riot act about ‘humiliating’ and ‘betraying’ her. Then, [she] stormed off and left us with a massive bill she had previously agreed to pay.”

Now, her mother-in-law is refusing to speak to her and is trying to turn other relatives against her.

Should she apologize to her mother-in-law, or did she deserve to be brought down?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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