She Told Her Brother That His Wife Tried To Kiss One Of The Groomsman On Their Wedding Night

shchus - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
shchus - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever seen a friend or relative’s partner do something you know would make them mad but feel like you couldn’t say anything?

One woman recently revealed to her brother that his wife had tried kissing one of his groomsmen on their wedding day because she’s been rude to him ever since.

Her brother and his new wife are both 27 and got married in March. The wedding was great, but something very messy happened toward the end.

Her brother and his wife were quite drunk toward the end of the reception, so two of the groomsmen were responsible for trying to carry the bride back to their room.

Suddenly, the drunken bride began trying to kiss one of the groomsmen holding her up, and he immediately stopped her. It was shocking, and many guests saw it go down, including her dad. However, her brother didn’t see anything.

Everyone made an unspoken agreement and turned a blind eye to the incident, but she never forgot about it.

“I had seen them plenty since then, and I said nothing, but she has been so rude and condescending with my brother since the wedding, and she has still been partying plenty on her own,” she explained.

“All I could think of is if I was him and my husband did that, I would want to know. Nobody in my family had told him because they were worried he would get angry.”

In light of her sister-in-law’s rude behavior, she called her brother and told him about the kiss situation at the wedding. Instead of getting angry at his wife, her brother got angry at her and blew her off.

shchus – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

He told her his wife was super drunk and her actions were to be forgotten before hanging up. She respected his decision to ignore what happened, but her brother got even angrier.

He sent her a long message explaining that he wouldn’t be as close to her or their parents if it wasn’t for his wife and her love of family. Then, he said she “owed” his wife and that she messed up by telling him that.

“He never wants to speak to me again, and I just said I hold no ill will towards anybody,” she added.

“Then he blocked me.”

Was it a bad idea to tell her brother about what his wife did on their wedding night?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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