She Wants To Switch Jobs And Take A Pay Cut To Save Her Mental Health, But She’s Not Sure If That Would Be Selfish Toward Her Family

This 45-year-old woman and her husband, who is 48, have been married for 23 years now. Throughout the course of their marriage, they also had three kids together – who all still live at home.
Plus, for much of the time since they started their family, she has been the breadwinner supporting them.
“I have out-earned him significantly, taking on high-stress jobs and frequently making job changes to earn more for our family,” she explained.
Her husband, on the other hand, has only made very few moves when it comes to jobs, and he hasn’t really attempted to grow his career that much.
When it comes to things outside of finances, like their parenting duties, they split them equally. For instance, if her husband drops off the kids, she will pick them up, evening out the load. She and her husband also share chores around the house.
Nonetheless, for the past few years, she has started to become extremely exhausted and burnt out. And just recently, she realized she had a chance to make a career move that, yes, might cost her family a bit of money but would ultimately save her mental health.
“Now, I have an opportunity for a new job with fewer hours, fewer expectations, less stress, and a pay reduction,” she said.
Apparently, the new job’s pay cut would only change her contribution to her household’s earnings by about 15%. She currently contributes 80% through her job right now. So, with the new position, she would be contributing around 65%.
“It basically puts my husband and I in a situation where our earnings are closer together,” she reasoned.

insta_photos – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
According to her, the salary decrease also wouldn’t impact her family that much, as she and her husband would still earn enough to allow their family to “live well.” Not to mention, she would continue bringing in full-time benefits.
Despite that, she realizes that the new job opportunity would still reduce her family’s overall “financial picture.”
So now, she’s unsure if taking a pay cut in order to prioritize her mental health would make her selfish or not.
What’s more important, money or mental health? If her family won’t be significantly impacted by the pay cut, do you think it makes the most sense to go for it? What would you do in her shoes?
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