She’s Getting Called Cheap For Buying Her Stepdaughter A Used Bridesmaid Dress For Her Wedding

Nataly - - illustrative purposes only
Nataly - - illustrative purposes only

In December, this woman will be getting married; she and her fiancé both have kids from previous relationships.

She has two daughters, who are 8 and 12, while her fiancé has a 15-year-old daughter named Kiki. She has decided to include all of the girls in her wedding party, but she’s made Kiki one of her bridesmaids.

She told everyone in her bridal party that they are allowed to wear any dress that they want, so long as it’s in a certain price range and a particular color.

“I’m also paying for all of them,” she explained. “Kiki sent me a link to the dress she liked, and I thought it was pretty.”

She was going to wait to order Kiki’s dress after the other people in her bridal party let her know what they wanted to wear.

But then she was on social media one evening in a buy/sell group and spotted the exact dress Kiki loves.

This dress had only been worn one time for a wedding and is in basically brand-new condition. It still looked like it came right from the store and hadn’t been worn at all.

“It also so happened to be in her size,” she said. “So, I figured it’d be cheaper to buy this as it’s a dress she’ll likely also wear once and never again.”

“The dress new online is $200. The person was selling it for $50 and just wanted it gone. I’ve seen the dress in person. No stains, no smells. Truly a steal. So, I bought it.”

Nataly – – illustrative purposes only

As soon as she let Kiki know that she got her a dress, but it was worn once, Kiki got angry with her. Kiki pointed out that she’s going to be the only girl not wearing a new dress in the bridal party.

She reminded Kiki that she still will be buying her whatever new accessories she wants for the wedding, will foot the bill to get her dress altered, and will be paying for her hair and makeup.

She wasn’t trying to single Kiki out in any way; if she was able to find dresses for the other people in her bridal party cheaper than what they cost new, she would jump on it.

“As it is, I’m spending about a grand on dresses for the 5 members of my bridal party. If I can save a little money, I will,” she added.

“Kiki wants me to buy her the brand new dress. I spoke with my fiancé, and he agrees with me. We told Kiki if she wants the dress brand new, she can pay the difference.”

“She’s still upset with us. Other members of my husband’s family feel I’m being…cheap…and should just buy the dress new.”

What do you think she should do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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