She’s Sick Of Her Single Mom Sister Just Expecting Her To Babysit For Her Every Weekend

nenetus - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
nenetus - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old woman’s older sister, who is 32, has two kids – who are 6 and 4-years-old. And recently, her sister has begun expecting her to babysit the children practically every single weekend.

“I love my niece and nephew,” she said, “But I have my own life and commitments.”

Now, her sister is a single mom, and she realizes that raising two kids alone is extremely tough. So, she knows that her sister needs a break from time to time, and she’s happy to step in “here and there.”

However, her sister stopped actually asking her to babysit and just started expecting her to – which rubbed her the wrong way.

“She’ll just drop them off without asking if I’m available, assuming I’ll take care of them,” she revealed.

Just last weekend, her sister’s bad habit finally pushed her over the edge, too. She’d already made plans to go hiking with some of her friends.

“Something I’ve been looking forward to for weeks,” she recalled.

Yet, her sister called her the night before their hike and claimed that she needed to watch her niece and nephew. At that point, she tried to explain her hiking plans, but her sister just became upset.

In fact, her sister actually accused her of being selfish and claimed she never got any time for herself.

nenetus – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She tried to come up with other solutions, like asking their parents to watch the kids or looking into a babysitting service.

Nonetheless, her sister just insisted that she was the best option and that “family should help family.”

So, ever since she refused to babysit, her sister hasn’t been speaking to her. Rather, her sister just keeps making passive-aggressive remarks, basically saying she doesn’t care about her or the kids.

“And I feel bad, but at the same time, I think it’s unfair for her to expect me to give up my weekends regularly,” she vented.

That’s why she’s now been left wondering if not wanting to babysit her sister’s kids every weekend is justified or not.

Can you understand why she feels like her sister is taking advantage of her? How can she reconcile this situation with her sister? What would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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