She’s Upset With Her Sister For Giving Her Luxury Baby Items To Her Baby Daddy To Use For His Other Child

KOTO - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
KOTO - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

While having a baby is beautiful and exciting, it can also be stressful for numerous reasons. One of those reasons is that baby and nursery supplies are so expensive, which is why having friends and relatives willing to pitch in and give you hand-me-downs is a gift.

One woman recently loaned her younger sister a bunch of expensive baby items but specifically asked her not to share them with her baby’s father, as he wasn’t officially in the picture.

She’s 30 and gave birth to her first baby eight months ago. The day she went to have her baby girl, it was revealed that her 18-year-old sister was pregnant.

Her sister’s situation was complicated, as her ‘baby daddy’ broke up with her, and she had to move in with their parents to raise her baby.

She and her husband were in a great position to have their baby, as they both had well-paying jobs and could afford all sorts of luxury baby necessities and nice clothes.

Because she knew her sister’s pregnancy and journey to motherhood would be harder, she’s been very supportive, even though she lives a few states away.

“I have been trying to be as actively helpful to her as possible,” she said.

“I have answered all of her 2:00 am calls and texts and given her advice. I’ve spent hours on FaceTime helping her get Medicaid and free benefits through different stores. She also had a girl, and I offered to send her some of our things as my baby outgrows them.”

“I have been saving up boxes full of clothes for her and other things, such as milk bags, bottles, a Boppy, books, toys, towels, etc. I spent around $900 shipping everything to her.”

KOTO – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

She continued to do more for her sister as her pregnancy progressed. Earlier this year, when her sister had her baby shower, she took her on an in-person shopping spree for the baby, dropping hundreds of dollars on many expensive essentials and furniture.

When she found out that her sister’s ‘baby daddy had already gotten another girl pregnant while they were broken up, she had a heart-to-heart with her.

She told her sister she’d want all the hand-me-down things she gave her back eventually but that everything she bought brand new was hers to keep.

She specifically told her sister not to give any of the hand-me-down items to her baby daddy, as she had a feeling he wouldn’t give them back and would use them for his other baby. Her sister agreed.

“My sister agreed, and she had her baby a few weeks ago, she explained.

“But her baby daddy recently posted a picture showing off his other baby’s nursery, and I spotted several of the things I gave my sister.”

“I asked her about this, and she admitted he took a few things. I told her I would no longer be sending her things or buying things other than my niece’s birthdays. She got upset and told me it wasn’t fair because I could afford to replace those things.”

She told her sister she wasn’t so upset about the baby items as she was the promise her sister had broken. Some of her relatives have gotten involved, and they think she was too harsh with her sister.

Was she too harsh to refuse to give her sister more baby supplies?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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