She’s Worth $4 Million Dollars But Still Expects Her Boyfriend To Repay Her The $7,000 She Loaned Him

luismolinero - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
luismolinero - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman owns three homes and is worth an eye-watering $4 million dollars. Within the first six months of dating her boyfriend, he asked if she would loan him some money.

She was happy to lend him the $7,000 he apparently needed, and they didn’t formally write up a contract for the loan, though she has text messages they sent back and forth regarding the cash.

However, even though she was generous on her part, her boyfriend clearly has no interest in repaying her and seems to be taking advantage of her financial status.

Whenever she asks her boyfriend to repay the loan she gave him, he gets quite upset with her and points out that she doesn’t need the money due to her incredible net worth.

“It’s not that I expect him to pay the full amount back; just $500 or $1,000 would show to me that he has some integrity in making an effort to pay me back,” she explained.

“Meanwhile, if he pays for maybe 10% of dates, he complains that he “does everything” in the relationship.”

“He’s also had a few occasions where he had higher pay/lower expenses (military deployment where his personal expenses dropped to less than $500/month), and rather than pay me back even a portion when he got back, he traded in his car twice, bought random car modification parts, and bought an Xbox and PlayStation.”

Interestingly enough, her boyfriend isn’t willing to discuss the money he owes her, but he is willing to talk about getting married to her.

She has mentioned to her boyfriend that she needs him to pay her back a tiny amount of the money to prove that he has integrity, and only then will she consider marrying him.

luismolinero – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

His response is negative, and he believes she’s being selfish by expecting him to repay his debt to her.

It has crossed her mind to take her boyfriend to small claims court, but he is threatening to make up lies and tell them to her family if she goes through with this.

She’s left wondering how she can get her boyfriend to give her back her $7,000 and if it’s wrong of her to want the money.

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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