These Wedding Guests Are Sharing Their Stories Where Someone Actually Objected

IVASHstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
IVASHstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

It’s Hard To Picture Anyone Objecting At A Wedding In Real Life

Tom Merton/KOTO – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

While we have all watched disgruntled family members and exes from relationships past object to weddings on popular television shows and movies, it might be hard to imagine this awkward situation in real life.

But, It Unfortunately Happens

anatoliycherkas – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Yet, it sadly still happens to some brides and grooms on their wedding day.

Here Are A Few Shocking Stories About Weddings Where Someone Did Object

Kateryna – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

And in a recent Reddit post, people from around the world shared shocking stories about attending a wedding where someone actually objected.

This Man’s Friend Is A Minister Who Tells People Not To Include A Part Where Guests Can Object

omelnickiy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“I had a friend who was a minister, and the subject came up if he asked the question during ceremonies he officiated. He laughed and said no way. He basically tells the couple not to include it because it only invites a moment of anxiety at best, misery at worst.”

His Friend Has A Reason For Omitting This Part

shchus – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“But, his best story– and one of the reasons he stopped including the question– was a couple who, during the lead-up to the wedding, was obviously in love. The bride-to-be was very smiley and happy.”

The Bride Started Acting Weird On The Day Of The Wedding

prostooleh – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“However, on the day of the wedding, she’s stone-faced. He knows something is up because he’s never seen her like this, and he asks if she is okay. She said, ‘I’m fine.'”

The Bride Outed Her Maid Of Honor For Sleeping With The Groom

ALEXSTUDIO – – illustrative purposes only

“He gets to the question, ‘Does anyone object to this union?’ And the bride reaches over, grabs the maid of honor, shoves her into the bride’s spot, and says, ‘You’re (sleeping with) him; you marry him.’ Then, she stormed out of the church.”

–Reddit User: FDS_MTG

At This Next Wedding, The Groom Started Sobbing When The Priest Asked If Anyone Objected

IVASHstudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“I know a guy that was the videographer at a wedding where the groom was the one that objected to the wedding at that point. When the priest asked if anyone objected, the groom broke down crying and said that he couldn’t go through with the wedding.”

The Groom Had Gotten Another Woman Pregnant

Pavlo Melnyk – – illustrative purposes only

“Apparently, he had gotten a [dancer] pregnant and felt he had to marry the [dancer] instead of the bride.”

It Got Awkward Until The Father Of The Bride Said The Wedding Was Off

prostooleh – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“He got pulled into a side room by the officiant, his father, and the father of the bride while everyone else– including the bride– stood around awkwardly. A few minutes later, the father of the bride came out and told everyone that the ceremony was over and the wedding was off, but that everyone was welcome to go to the reception and enjoy the food.”

The Bride Didn’t Take The Groom’s Wedding Day Secret Well At All

Serhii – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“My friend didn’t stick around for the reception, so I have no idea how it all turned out. But apparently, the bride was understandably not taking it well.”

–Reddit User: The_quest_for_wisdom

Here’s A Second Wedding Where The Groom Objected On His Own Special Day

alipko – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“A groom found out that the bride was cheating two days before the wedding day. He spilled the beans while exchanging the vows.”

–Reddit User: Stuntockofgilead

At This Wedding, There Weren’t Many Guests At All

Gorodenkoff – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“My uncle was getting married. It was small, just a handful of family and a minister. I was videotaping.”

Grandma Was Not Happy

Robert/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“My grandmother was not into it at all. With each line spoken by the minister, she had a cutting, sarcastic response. I could not believe it. It was so unlike her.”

Grandma Then Objected

Denys – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“When that part came up, she said, ‘I object. But does it really matter? They are going to do it anyway.'”

The Minister Ignored Grandma, But She Was Right

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“The minister just ignored her and proceeded business as usual. The couple divorced within a year. I wish I had a copy.”

–Reddit User: Jamesshine

A Little Girl Had A Crush On The Groom For This Next Wedding

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“One of my cousins is married to literally one of the kindest and coolest dudes I have ever met.”

The Bride’s Little Sister Spilled Her Feelings

Vasil – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“Before the wedding, her little sister was saying how ‘she’s marrying my best friend.'”

The Little Girl Whispered That She Objected

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“Then, at the wedding, when the priest asked if anyone objected, the room was dead quiet, and all you heard was a little girlish whisper saying, ‘I do.'”

The Whole Thing Was Super Cute

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“It was honestly really adorable, and we all laughed, and my cousin’s husband and her little sister are still best friends.”

–Reddit User: Lord_banana_14

Have you ever seen someone object at a wedding?

TenWit – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

You can read the original thread on Reddit here.

Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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