Over the past few years, he tried to “deal with” his wife’s changing lifestyle and appearance, too. However, it eventually became too much for him, and he couldn’t cope with no longer recognizing his wife.
That’s why he ultimately asked for a divorce. But his wife didn’t take it well and had an emotional breakdown – accusing him of being a shallow jerk. She also said that she wished she had never even met him.
“It was so hurtful because she didn’t even care about our three beautiful kids,” he vented.
Following all of this drama, most of his friends reassured him that he wasn’t in the wrong. However, a few people he knew – who were also friends with his wife – have dropped him as a friend and called him a jerk whenever they ran into him.
“They’ve even gone so far as to leave hate comments on my social media posts,” he revealed.
So now, he can’t help but wonder if separating from his wife after she drastically changed her appearance was really the wrong thing to do.
Do you think spouses should have a say in their partner’s appearance? Or should he have stayed with his wife, even if he didn’t find her attractive anymore?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.