Her Fiancé Started Crying And Accused Her Of Destroying His Relationship With His Female Coworker Due To Jealousy

Xavier Lorenzo  - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Xavier Lorenzo - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Lately, this 32-year-old woman has been left feeling somewhat insecure in regard to her relationship with her 36-year-old fiancé.

They’ve been with one another for four years, and a year ago, they got engaged before moving in together.

Her fiancé is charismatic, transparent, and sweet, and she’s never had serious issues with him. Two months ago, a 24-year-old girl started working at her fiancé’s office.

Obviously, this girl is quite young. She has met her a couple of times and thought she seemed very nice, but then she started to feel like something wasn’t right.

“He had been coming home every day raving about her and how nice it is to have someone in the office who understands and laughs at his jokes,” she explained.

“It seemed like an innocent work friendship, but he started to give me other details from their conversations that had me concerned.”

This girl would declare to her fiancé that it was her time of month, so that was her reason for being super touchy or not in a great mood.

Her personal opinion is that this is oversharing and not something you should be telling a male coworker while in the office.

From there, this girl started filling her fiancé in on her personal encounters with men, and then her fiancé was turning around and telling her about the tales like they were exciting things to chat about.

Xavier Lorenzo – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Her fiancé had a company dinner two weeks ago, and that was when she got to see this girl face-to-face for the very first time.

“I told her it was nice to finally meet her after hearing so much about her,” she said. “She smiled, ignored me, and began talking to my fiancé about how different I was from her expectations.”

“The next week, she had apparently been talking a lot at work about how pretty she thought I was and how lucky my partner and I are to have found one another.”

“It felt strange that she had a lot to say about me but didn’t even speak to me when we had a chance to interact. I chalked it up to being nervous or shy.”

Several days ago, her fiancé came home from work one night and told her about his female coworker’s most recent failed personal encounter with a guy.

He stated his coworker just wanted him to share advice, but she felt super uneasy about it and didn’t keep that hidden from her fiancé.

Her fiancé stuck up for his coworker and said she’s innocent. He insisted that once she got to know his coworker better, she would understand.

Last weekend, her fiancé’s coworker asked him to spend some time with her, and he agreed, yet didn’t say anything about the meeting until the last moment.

“We had originally made dinner plans with my parents, and he told me he would come later on because he needed to meet with her to discuss her relationship problems,” she added.

“I very passionately told him that this it is not ok, and he canceled his plans with her, adding that it was “cute” that I was getting so jealous of her. We had a short chat about it later, and he said he would establish some distance.”

“This Monday, after work, she called his personal phone. She said he had not sent her any jokes at work that day, and she wanted to know why. I told him he needed to set boundaries immediately. It’s fine to be friendly with people in the office, but it really felt excessive that she was calling because he was enacting some kind of boundaries.”

She felt irritated that he thought it was fine to even give his coworker his personal phone number. Her fiancé said he would respond to his coworker that he didn’t think to send her any jokes that day since he was wrapped up with work. She hoped her fiancé would stop talking to his coworker after that.

Yesterday, her fiancé arrived home from work quiet and sulky. After a bit of time, he revealed to her that he told his coworker she was insecure about their friendship, so his coworker’s solution was to no longer speak to him for any reason.

“He was crying and told me that she’s just like a younger sister (he’s an only child), and he was happy that she trusted him, but he was forced to end the relationship because of me,” she continued.

“I apologized and told him that I had expected him to keep my feelings private and adjust his behavior rather than telling her everything. He said that would be dishonest, and he didn’t want to distance himself from her without making her aware of the situation.”

She questioned her fiancé about why he felt so strongly about having extremely personal conversations with a much younger woman, and he got angry with her.

Her fiancé accused her of stealing his joy and being mad that he’s way too happy ever since he met his coworker.

Her fiancé expressed that he wishes she never said anything about her feelings of insecurity. She’s left thinking that her fiancé destroyed her trust in him by being so forthcoming with his coworker.

It’s not that she’s jealous of their friendship; it’s that she thinks it’s inappropriate of her fiancé to discuss super steamy topics with a female coworker in the first place, and that’s what started the ball rolling on her suspecting their work friendship was off.

“He is convinced that I ruined their relationship by being jealous,” she said. “I feel really bad because he was very happy at work and was happy about joking around and having lunch with her, but he said that because of me, they can’t have any kind of relationship at all.”

“Was my expression of feeling insecure the catalyst? Should I have kept this to myself?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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