
She Broke Up With Her Boyfriend And Blocked Him After He Canceled Their Plans To Hang Out With His Female Friend Alone

“He knew she said this, and it was his idea to hang out with her by themselves after he had already made plans with me,” she revealed.

So, she tried talking to her boyfriend about how that made her feel. Yet, instead of understanding, he actually just accused her of being both insecure and crazy.

That finally pushed her over the edge, and she decided to pull the plug on their relationship.

More specifically, she sent her boyfriend a text message – telling him that they were done. Afterward, she blocked him on every single social media platform.

“And I am going to drop off his [stuff] today,” she added.

Still, in the wake of their sudden breakup, she can’t help but wonder if getting mad at her boyfriend for prioritizing a hangout with his female friend was justified or not.

Do you find it strange that her boyfriend canceled their plans to hang out with another girl? Would you view this as a red flag in your own relationship?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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