Over three decades ago, a couple named Daniel Brown and Debbie Leno were married in a small wedding ceremony in Shiawasse County.
However, those weren’t the couple’s real names, and they weren’t actually a couple. The wedding was a sting operation set up by police to catch suspects guilty of dealing drugs.
It was 1990 at the time, and Detroit was experiencing a widespread drug problem. Illegal substances were everywhere.
The police hatched an elaborate plan that would come to be known as one of the greatest drug busts ever.
Police officers posed as the couple getting married and their family members. For instance, Debbie Williams played the role of the bride, Debbie Leno.
Her partner, Lacy Brown, played her husband-to-be, Danny. The police chief, Eddie Boyce, was the bride’s father, Eddie Leno.
He acted as a big-time drug dealer who went by “Fast Eddie Leno.” The wedding guests were the criminals that the police wanted to apprehend.
The undercover operation lasted five months, with the wedding as the grand finale. Here’s how the wedding went down.
So, the fake father of the bride arrived in town with hundreds of pounds of marijuana. At the ceremony, he would auction it all off, which was when the drug dealers would be arrested.
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