
She Hates Her Sister For Cheating, So She Won’t Help Babysit Her Affair Baby

bisonov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This young woman is 17-years-old, and she really doesn’t approve of her older sister’s current relationship.

For some context, her 25-year-old sister used to have a boyfriend who she actually really liked. Then, her sister cheated on him with a guy she completely despises.

“I refuse to interact with him,” she said.

To make matters even worse, her sister only came clean about the cheating after she got pregnant and had to tell her ex-boyfriend that the baby was not his.

At the time, she was furious at her sister because she genuinely loved her ex and got along with him super well.

“I honestly thought of him as a brother or something. We fell out of contact, sadly,” she detailed.

Anyway, that was years ago, and her sister’s baby is currently 2-years-old. Her sister is also now dating her former affair partner – the guy she cheated with.

To this day, though, she still hates her sister’s affair partner-turned-boyfriend, which is why she refuses to help out with any childcare. Just yesterday, this sparked a ton of drama, too.

It all began when her sister texted and asked if she could babysit. Yet, she apparently never sees her sister’s child aside from at big family gatherings since her sister never bothers to visit her or her parents.

bisonov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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