
She Hates Her Sister For Cheating, So She Won’t Help Babysit Her Affair Baby

This pushed her to turn down the babysitting request, and when her sister asked why, she didn’t really provide an answer.

“My sister only questioned why because I always babysit our relatives’ children when they have something to do because I love kids,” she clarified.

Well, after she and her sister texted back and forth a bit more, she finally revealed her true feelings. In fact, she flat-out admitted to hating both her sister and her sister’s boyfriend and that she did not want to babysit her sister’s “affair kid.”

Her sister became furious after she said that, and they both stopped messaging each other anymore.

However, that still wasn’t the end of the drama since, the very next day, her parents told her off for speaking to her sister like that. At that point, she found out her sister had sent screenshots of her texts to their parents, essentially ratting her out.

Nonetheless, even with her parents accusing her of being a jerk and threatening to ground her, she still will not babysit for her sister.

“I don’t think I did anything wrong, even after talking to my parents and sister,” she vented.

“Then again, I don’t really care about people’s feelings, so I could be missing something.”

Now, she can’t help but wonder if never wanting to babysit her sister’s “affair baby” is really so unreasonable or not.

Should she feel obligated to help her sister or not? What would you have done in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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