
She’s Not Paying Her Friend $700 For The Wedding Portrait She Made Of Her, Because She Looks Repulsive In It

sorin - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has a friend who is a professional painter, and she says that all of her friend’s work is absolutely stunning.

She recently got married, and for a one-year anniversary present, she asked her friend to do a wedding portrait of herself and her husband.

Since her friend can create incredibly realistic paintings of people, she thought the painting would unquestionably be a work of art and something for her and her husband to treasure.

Her friend asked for some reference photos of her wedding for the painting, which she gave to her, along with a $300 deposit.

She and her friend agreed that the final price of the painting would be $700. Yesterday, she got to see the results, and while her husband looked incredible, she looked awful.

Her friend made her appear disgusting and raunchy, with an enormous chest (she doesn’t have that in real life).

“My wedding dress is showing much more skin,” she explained. “She even added a split to my dress to show off more leg.”

“I don’t look like that in any of my photos I gave her. I find it really gross. I told her I will not be paying her; that she needs to fix it or she can keep it. This caused a huge argument.”

She outlined her concerns about the artwork to her friend, but her friend accused her of being a jerk for not wanting to pay her.

sorin – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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