5 More Halloween Makeup Tutorials So You Can Skip The Costume

Here Are 5 More Halloween Makeup Tutorials For You

TikTok – @dmarinabeauty and @makeupby_analiza
This year, we’re all about using makeup for your Halloween look, so you can skip the costume because it’s something, well, different.
Here are 5 more fun Halloween makeup tutorials for you to check out if you also want to join me in not having to dress up!

TikTok – @isabellrrose
Isa, who goes by @isabellrrose on TikTok, is showing you how to make yourself cleverly into a devil without having to paint your entire face red (because that’s too time-consuming and messy).
Break out your eyelash curler and paint it with your favorite shade of red lipstick. Stamp your painted side of your eyelash curler just above the middle of your eyebrow, and now you have half of a horn.
Repeat the process, and you have a whole horn. Then, do the same thing over your other eye. I love that Isa pairs this with a bold red lip because it makes for a pretty elegant devil.
@isabellrrose devil horn hack ??? using @Nova Beauty eyelash curler & lipstick in flair #halloweenmakeup #makeuphack #tutorial #devilmakeup #redlip

TikTok – @dmarinabeauty
Danielle, who uses @dmarinabeauty on TikTok, came up with a fun way to turn yourself into a jack-o-lantern.
First, take orange eyeshadow and blend it over your eyelids into a triangular shape. Next, make a smaller triangle with black eyeshadow and fill it in, making sure to get your waterline.
Add your mascara, and draw a black zigzag shape across your mouth. Go back over that zigzag shape to thicken it up, then draw a tiny black triangle on your nose (be sure to fill it in). Danielle recommends outlining your nose and mouth with more orange eyeshadow, and then she completes her look with false lashes.
@dmarinabeauty Easy af Halloween Makeup – Jack-o-lantern ? #halloweenmakeup #pumpkinmakeup #jackolantern #makeupforbeginners #muafyp
Glam Scarecrow

TikTok – @makeupby_analiza
Analiza, who goes by @makeupby_analiza, is showing you how to turn yourself into a glam scarecrow because that’s far more exciting than a regular one.
First, do your base makeup, and then prime your eyelids with concealer. Pick up a dark-colored purple eyeshadow, and Analiza says to “pack it” on the corner of your eyelid. Next, pick up a hot pink eyeshadow, and pack that over top the purple. Then grab a peachy shade of eyeshadow and blend it up toward your browbone.
Analiza uses glitter as the next layer across half of her eyelid, and it’s the wow factor. Eyeliner goes next, then add more eyeshadow beneath your eyes before doing your blush. Using black eyeliner, draw a nose on your nose and a square-shaped box on your forehead. Add a second square-shaped box that overlaps the first one you made. Take your eyeshadow, line the boxes you made with dark purple eyeshadow, and fill the middle of the boxes with your pink eyeshadow.
Repeat with the nose. Pick up your eyeliner and redraw the outside lines of your boxes and nose, then add little lines on the outside to make them resemble patches. Complete your look with pink lipstick, then add more black lines across your lips and along the corners of your mouth, adding xs there. Finally, add a hat!
@makeupby_analiza GLAM SCARECROW ?? i’m literally obsessed with this look! ? it’s super cute anybody can do it! #makeupbyanaliza #halloweenmakeup #halloweenmakeuptutourial #andGO #halloweeninspo #scarecrow #scarcrowmakeup

TikTok – @tias.mua
Tia, who uses @tias.mua on TikTok, has a way for you to creepily turn yourself into Jigsaw from the horror movie Saw.
Take a circle-shaped cap, and paint the rim with either red lipstick or red face paint. Stamp the circles on each of your cheeks. Go back in with a brush and draw red spirals within the circles. Taking black eyeliner, draw two vertical lines down your face starting in the corners of your lips.
Add black lipstick to your lips and red lipstick in the middle. That’s it, you’re now Jigsaw!
@tias.mua the jigsaw makeup is soo easy to do & looks so good!! ib @makeupwithmillie @lenkalul #halloweenmakeup #makeup
Poison Ivy

TikTok – @avacarnemolla
Ava, who goes by @avacarnemolla, has a neat way to transform yourself into the comic book character Poison Ivy. Put on a green shirt and start by using a neutral shade of eyeshadow on your eyelids in your crease. Next, get two different shades of green eyeshadow; one lighter, one a bit darker, and blend them on your eyelids.
Then, take a dark green eyeshadow and using a brush, draw a line at the top of your eyelid and blend with a cue tip. Go back in with concealer and carve out that dark line you just drew, then add white eyeshadow on top and white glitter. Add a dark green wing of eyeshadow, then line your eyes with black eyeliner before coming down your waterline with that same dark green shadow from the wing.
Taking a cue tip, make sure to clean up your look so that the wing is very separated from the rest of your eyeshadow. Ava says you can call it a day, or you can take fake ivy and use lash glue to apply the leaves to your face. Complete your look with a bold red lip.
@avacarnemolla Replying to @juliettel5 this is top tier. IM OBSESSED. costume linked in bio? #halloween2023 #halloweencostumeideas #amazonhalloweenfinds #poisonivymakeup #poisonivy #poisonivymakeuptutorial #poisonivyhalloween #poisonivycostume #31daysofhalloween #halloweenmakeup #costumesforredhair #cowboycopperhair #greenscreen
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