Her Professor Is Convinced That She’s His Soulmate

Group of young people are studying together in university. Students outdoors.
Vasyl - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person - pictured above is a girl on her college campus

Back in November of 2022, this 21-year-old girl attended a college class and wound up being the only student who was there that day.

So, she and her professor (whom she thinks is 47) started chit-chatting. From there, they ended up talking for three long hours about spirituality, of all things.

When they were done with their discussion, her professor wrote his number down for her on a little piece of paper.

She kept it, but she only texted him to ask if he could write her a letter of recommendation earlier in the year as she was applying for jobs.

This semester, she took a different class with this professor, and today, when class was over, he asked if she could stick around.

Her professor said sorry to her, as apparently, he had never seen her text message until recently.

“He said he felt my pain while reading it, which was odd to me since I don’t remember writing anything indicative of pain—just a request for a recommendation letter,” she explained.

“He also mentioned that it wasn’t a coincidence he discovered my message now, drawing a connection to the long conversation we had back in 2022. He said that reading it almost made him cry.”

“At that moment, I unexpectedly burst into tears, likely because I’m currently going through a breakup. I suppose the word “cry” is a trigger for me. My professor then told me he would give me anything I needed—all I had to do was ask.”

Group of young people are studying together in university. Students outdoors.

Vasyl – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person – pictured above is a girl on her college campus

Her professor went on to say that he’s a very, very private kind of guy, and he never just gives out his number. He added that she was gorgeous and incredible.

He then jumped into talking about how her soulmate was already in her life – he was standing there right in front of her.

He not so subtly said he could provide her with an amazing life beyond her wildest dreams, and he went on for close to 30 minutes about this.

So yeah, her professor thinks that he’s her soulmate, and he’s spent all of his days on earth just waiting for her to enter his life.

She has no idea what to do, and she can’t drop the class, as it’s no longer possible. Since there are three weeks left before the class ends, she’s thinking she should stick it out and try to just make it through.

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post below.

Pictured above is a screenshot of the original post for you to read

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