His Brother’s Fiancée Said It’d Be Selfish Of His Wife To Start A Family, So He’s No Longer Attending His Brother’s Wedding

Bearded groom and bride in magnificent dress pose in rays of bright sun
IVASHstudio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 32-year-old man’s brother will be tying the knot next month. But while he was initially looking forward to the big day, his feelings changed when his brother’s fiancée made some really rude remarks about his wife.

For some context, his wife is 30-years-old and has fibromyalgia, which impacts her energy levels and causes her to need extra support from time to time.

“It’s something we’ve navigated together for years,” he said.

Yet, at a recent family gathering, his brother’s fiancée, who’s 27, decided to comment on his wife’s health. In front of everyone, his soon-to-be sister-in-law claimed it would be “selfish” of her to try to start a family with her condition.

Then, his brother’s fiancée implied that raising a kid with fibromyalgia would be a burden on him, so she suggested that he and his wife “think about adoption instead.”

His wife was understandably mortified and attempted to shrug off the situation at the moment. However, he could tell that she was seriously hurt.

And later, once they left the get-together, his wife broke down crying, talking about how judged and humiliated she felt. This pushed him to call his brother the following day.

“I wasn’t expecting an apology from his fiancée, but I at least hoped my brother would back me up and recognize how hurtful the comment was,” he noted.

Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. His brother simply defended his fiancée, saying she never meant the remark “that way.” His brother also claimed that she was merely “direct” and told him that he “knows how she is.”

Bearded groom and bride in magnificent dress pose in rays of bright sun

IVASHstudio – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This infuriated him, and he made it clear that “how she was” didn’t matter. Rather, it was about respect, especially toward other family members.

His brother didn’t get it, though, and accused him of overreacting. That’s why he has since decided to skip his brother’s wedding unless his brother’s fiancée acknowledges how out of line she was.

Once his brother heard that he wasn’t going to be at the nuptials, he got called “dramatic” and blamed for ruining the event over “one small comment.”

His parents have gotten involved as well and believe he can just let “one awkward moment” go to maintain family harmony.

“But my wife feels validated by my decision, and honestly, so do I. I don’t think we should have to endure that kind of disrespect just to keep the peace,” he vented.

Still, with his brother’s wedding quickly approaching, he’s been left wondering if he is making the right decision.

Was it his brother’s fiancée’s place to comment on his wife’s condition? Does his wife deserve an apology? 

You can read the original post below.

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