She Caused Her Sister’s Fiancé To Leave Her After She Told The Guy Her Sister Cheated With Her Husband

This woman was betrayed in an unimaginable way seven years ago by not only her husband but her sister, too. Her sister cheated with her husband, and there she was, thinking her marriage was amazing.
She actually caught her husband with her sister in bed and quickly filed for divorce. Her sister and her husband kept on seeing one another for several years and then had a child together.
Her sister reached out to her on five separate occasions, trying to fix the damage that was done. She made it clear to her sister that she would never be able to forgive her.
She then said some mean things, like she hoped that her husband cheated on her sister and ruined her life as he destroyed hers.
Well, her words rang true. Her husband cheated on her sister while she was pregnant with his baby, and then her sister wound up homeless.
She cut contact with her sister after the affair, and even after her sister fell on hard times, she mentioned to her loved ones she would never be alright with spending time with her sister.
Several weeks ago, a man reached out to her, stating that he’s currently engaged to her sister. Her sister’s fiancé said her sister was angry she never showed up to the dinner party her parents hosted so everyone could meet him.
Her sister’s fiancé went on to say that her sister was hoping she would be able to forgive her after all this time, and then he tried to guilt-trip her for their past.
The thing is, her sister lied to her fiancé and told this guy that she dated one of her exes. So, she set the record straight and told this guy her sister slept with her husband while they were still married. He stopped responding to her after that.

A few days later, her sister popped up, furious with her for telling the truth. Her sister’s fiancé dumped her and ended their engagement after finding out that she was a mistress.
“She told me I should be willing to put the past behind us and reconcile and to stop treating her like she’s a criminal or evil,” she explained.
“She said I act like she repulses me. I told her because she does. And I told her my feelings had not changed at all in 7 years. She cried and told me one of us could die, and we’d never reconcile if I’m not willing to try, and I said I would not care.”
“I told her she could die tomorrow, and I would not regret my decision not to reconcile. I told her I no longer cared what happened to her or if she was okay or not. She left in tears. My parents were so angry she confronted me. They had already been disgusted with her being the other woman, but to confront me for correcting her lie, they said it showed she had not grown at all.”
As for her aunt, she feels that she shouldn’t have been so nasty to her sister. Her aunt thinks she’s being crueler to her sister than her sister ever was to her.
Her aunt tried to shame her into feeling terrible for telling her sister she wouldn’t be bothered if she passed away.
She’s left wondering if it was wrong of her to have said those things to her sister.
What do you think?
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