Her Stepmom Hates Her And That’s The Reason Why She’s Divorcing Her Dad

This 19-year-old girl’s 60-year-old dad is married to her 50-year-old stepmom, Linda, and has been for the last 12 years.
When she turned 12, she moved to a brand new country and began living with her dad, Linda, and her half-brother.
Since her dad’s job required him to be in another country for six months out of the year, she was all alone with Linda.
Five years ago, Linda was diagnosed with depression, and ever since, Linda has come to believe it’s somehow all her fault. She’s even told her this to her face!
“Last night Linda sat me down and told me that she is divorcing my dad because she is not happy with me and can’t stand me anymore,” she explained.
“She said it is because I am always cold to her and don’t care about her enough, I don’t communicate with her enough, and such has made her feel disrespected.”
“She also said that I constantly stress her out because of my lack of caring, and she thinks it is going to cause her cancer. So, she wants to leave this relationship now before it is too late.”
Now, she is not a fan of Linda, and it’s due to all of the crazy things she’s said to her over the years, in addition to how controlling she is.
Linda even put a stop to her having sleepovers with her best friends when she was little, because Linda was convinced their male loved ones would do something to her.

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She knew it was crazy of Linda to think something like this, and so that really made her angry. She’s gone to psychologists and found help on how to deal with Linda outside of her family.
“People have advised me to distance myself from Linda, which I have been trying to do, but now all this distancing and lack of communicating are making Linda [feel] disrespected,” she continued.
“There is apparently a one-year separation rule before the final divorce, and Linda said if I change how I behave, she might not divorce my dad, but their divorce is up to me. I don’t want to fake liking Linda, but I also want my dad to be happy, what should I do?”
You can read the original post below.

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