He’s Not Paying For His Nephew To Go To Private School Since He’s Bratty, Bad, And Doesn’t Care About His Education

This 45-year-old man has a job as a lawyer, and he’s quite successful, so he financially assists his loved ones as needed.
He has a 40-year-old brother named Sam, who’s married to 38-year-old Melissa, and they have two children – 12-year-old Ryan and 16-year-old Chloe. He thinks Chloe is a great kid, but Ryan? Not so much.
“Chloe and I have always been close she’s bright, ambitious, and passionate about her future,” he explained.
“Ryan, on the other hand, is a lot harder to connect with. He’s rebellious, struggles in school, and doesn’t seem to care about much.”
Now, two years ago, Sam and Melissa came to him, wanting to know if he could pay for Chloe to go to private school.
Sam and Melissa didn’t have the money to send her on their own, but Chloe desperately wanted to be able to attend this particular school.
“She even wrote me a heartfelt letter explaining why the school was important to her and how she planned to excel there,” he said.
“Her sincerity and drive impressed me, so I agreed. I’ve been covering half her tuition since then, and Chloe has thrived; she’s a straight-A student, involved in extracurriculars, and even looking at top colleges. I couldn’t be prouder of her.”
Not too long ago, Sam and Melissa were back asking for handouts: they wanted him to pay for Ryan to also go to private school like Chloe.

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The thing is, Ryan and Chloe are complete opposites. Ryan doesn’t care about school; he frequently gets suspended for behaving atrociously, and he’s bratty.
He has no real relationship with Ryan, and it’s not because he hasn’t tried, it’s because Ryan doesn’t care about developing a connection with him.
Ryan also couldn’t care less about school and has absolutely no ambition. So, he doesn’t think it’s a good idea to flush money down the drain on Ryan’s education.
“I told Sam and Melissa I wasn’t comfortable paying for Ryan’s private school because I didn’t think it would be a good investment,” he added.
“They were furious. Melissa accused me of playing favorites and said I was making Ryan feel like a “lost cause.” Sam said I was creating division in their family by treating their kids unequally.”
“Things got worse when Ryan overheard part of the conversation. Melissa later called me, crying, saying Ryan is now feeling rejected and has been comparing himself to Chloe, asking why he’s “not good enough.”
He attempted to get Sam and Melissa to see his perspective. He did not simply hand money over to Chloe; Chloe proved to him that she took her education seriously.
He said he could give Ryan money for hobbies he loves or help him get a tutor, but that wasn’t a good enough solution for Sam and Melissa.
His parents have since gotten in the middle of it all, and they’re of the opinion that he’s being mean. His parents feel that private school could quite possibly turn Ryan’s behavior around and give him more boundaries, so they want him to pay for Ryan’s tuition.
His other loved ones have weighed in, and everyone is picking sides. Some of his family members think that it’s incredibly entitled of Sam and Melissa to expect him to pay for Ryan and Chloe to go to school.
“But the tension is growing, and I’m starting to feel like the bad guy,” he concluded.
Do you think he should pay for Ryan to go to private school?
You can read the original post below.

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