She Slapped Her Cousin For Saying No Guy Would Want Her Due To Her Damage

young woman portrait trees in the background
krisz66 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old woman recently threw a birthday party for her 67-year-old cousin Tony, who’s more like a dad to her than anything else. She invited over 30 people to attend the party.

Now she had a tough time growing up, and she went through a wide range of various traumas. When she turned five, her dad actually abandoned her out in a cornfield.

When she was older, her dad left her life entirely and picked a new family over her. As for her mom, she ended up on the wrong side of the law.

She suffered unimaginable abuse, and as she grew into an adult, things did not get better. When she was 23, her boyfriend passed away just four months into their relationship.

Despite all of the horrors she’s been through, she’s remained on the straight and narrow. She’s never had to take medication for mental health problems; she’s never been institutionalized. She’s doing quite well, considering all of the skeletons in her closet.

Anyway, her 55-year-old aunt and her 30-year-old cousin Cheryl act like she’s insane. Her mom recounted all of her traumas to her aunt, and her mom put her own spin on those stories, which has warped her aunt’s opinion of her.

As for Cheryl, she loves to throw it in her face that she had a wedding at 20, two children by the time she turned 25, and has an amazing career as a nurse practitioner.

Good for Cheryl for being happy with the success she’s achieved, but there’s no reason to be so cruel about their different paths in life.

At Tony’s party, she was speaking to her 29-year-old cousin Sasha about the difficulties she’s had with her dating life due to her past.

young woman portrait trees in the background
krisz66 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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She is in therapy and working on healing herself, but she doesn’t exactly feel like she’s able to put herself out there right now.

“I didn’t know/didn’t hear Cheryl come in, and I didn’t know she was within earshot- or I wouldn’t have talked about it- but suddenly I hear her say, “I don’t know what’s so confusing for you, of course, you are picked last, you are too damaged, nobody will ever want you when they can have someone else who isn’t to be brutally honest,” she explained.

“I saw red, and it was sort of like I watched a movie of myself turn around and backhand her. Sasha actually started laughing- Cheryl was [angry] and started screaming, hurling insults. I told her to get out of my house, [but] she didn’t until Tony came and said, “Don’t make me drag you.”

Tony, two of her cousins, and Sasha are siding with her; however, the remainder of their loved ones are siding with Cheryl.

She feels awful for slapping Cheryl since her ring caught Cheryl’s face and left a cut. That being said, Cheryl has always been nasty to her, so she kind of believes she deserves it.

She’s wondering if it was wrong of her to go after Cheryl for saying no man could want her due to her damage. What do you think?

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