
Here’s A List Of What Chores Are Appropriate For Children Of Any Age

Brebca - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

Every child needs to learn how to do household chores, and it’s best to start teaching them young. They will learn important life skills and self-reliance, which sets them up for success later on.

Plus, it gives parents some much-needed help around the house! The key is not to overestimate what your child is capable of. And you don’t want to view them as totally helpless beings either.

When giving kids a task, be patient about the learning process. Don’t give them something more than they can handle. But also remember that kids can do a lot more than you think.

If you’re struggling to find that balance between chores that are too easy and too challenging, here are some age-appropriate tasks you can assign your young ones.

Even kids as young as two or three years old can lend a helping hand. For example, you can train your toddler to pick up their toys when playtime is over. This way, they learn how to clean up after themselves.

Toddlers can also wipe up small spills. If they knock over a glass of water on the table, don’t get upset. Instead, show them how to take a paper towel or dishrag and wipe up the liquid.

For kids ages four to five, have them help you sort the groceries. Start off with easy, lighter items like cereals and snacks.

You can also teach them the very first steps of folding laundry. Shirts may still be too complicated at this stage, but washcloths are great to work with.

For kids ages six to seven, they can be responsible for setting the table, clearing away the after-dinner dishes, putting away laundry in the correct places, and feeding the pets.

Brebca – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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