
She’s Having Issues With Her Mom After She Hung Up A Photo Of Her On Her Wedding Day, Even Though She’s Going Through A Difficult Divorce

lithian - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Moms are notorious for posting or putting up photos of us that we hate. Then, when we ask them to take it down, they get angry or offended. 

One woman is having that issue with her mom after she hung up a photo of her on her wedding day, even though she’s going through a difficult divorce.

She’s 37-years-old and recently divorced her husband. It’s been a very hard and painful experience, and she’s just now beginning to feel like herself again. 

She lives near her mom and is super close to her. Her mom is very family-oriented and has tons of photos of their family all over her house, and many are hanging in the living room.

“She did have a photo of me and my husband on our wedding day, but after we split, she took it down after I asked her to,” she explained.

“Since then, she didn’t really have a recent picture of me up.”

Until now, that is. The other day, she went to her mom’s house and saw that she had hung up a picture of her from her wedding day. It is just a picture of her face, and her ex-husband isn’t in it at all, but it really struck a nerve with her.

“I asked mom to take it down and replace it with a different picture,” she recalled.

“I said I didn’t want to see a [picture] of me on my wedding day every time I went over. She said that it was a lovely picture of me, it didn’t look like a wedding photo, and that I looked so nice on that day, it’s a shame to waste the photo.”

lithian – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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