19-Year-Old Says She Wants Nothing To Do With Her Dad’s Secret Family But Now She’s Asking The Internet If She Should Reconsider

A 19-year-old says she wants nothing to do with her 50-year-old dad’s secret family since they are the reason the marriage between her parents fell apart.
Now she’s asking the internet if maybe she should reconsider her decision after her dad got upset with her over it.
She started out by explaining that while her dad was married to her mom, he started a relationship with another woman.
Their affair continued for longer than 10 years, and after her mom divorced him, he still stayed in a relationship with this woman.
It’s also important to note the mistress has a child that her dad swears is not his kid, which she doesn’t think he’s lying about.
Her dad then went on to date someone else, who he then got married to, but the entire time he was with his mistress on the side.
She doesn’t think his now second ex-wife had any idea about the mistress, but her mom knew about her.
She mentioned that she has known about his affair for quite some time, and she told her dad that she wants nothing to do with this other woman.
Her dad has respected that and didn’t tell her about his dealings with his secret second family, up until recently.
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“This went okay for a decent amount of time, he would go on ‘work trips’ and all but I never asked questions and he never shared and I was honestly fine being in the dark about it,” she said.
“I never approved, and he knew this, but I let him live his life so long as I was never brought into it.”
Well, that all changed this week when her dad revealed he invited his mistress and her child to come out and visit, and that he expects her to be polite to them.
The thing is, she still lives at home with her dad, and she already laid it out for him that she doesn’t want to be involved with these people.
She pushed back, saying she will be spending time at her friend’s place while her dad’s other family is visiting.
“That woman caused a lot of trauma during my childhood and aided in my parent’s divorce and I don’t condone women who knowingly are the other woman,” she continued.
“I never want to see her and I made that clear. I said he can live his life as he wants but I will not be dragged into that.”
Her dad was absolutely furious with her for not wanting to play along, and told her to “lose his number.”
She’s concerned that she did the wrong thing by refusing to be one big happy family with her dad’s mistress and her child.
Here’s what the internet had to say.
“Did he actually say lose his number? Wow, he is so callous and selfish to easily discard his family at will. Cheats then discards…”
“That’s Awful. I wouldn’t want to see her either. Ever. She destroyed your childhood. And your father is appalling too.”
“You have tried and been very reasonable overall. Ignoring his “work trips” etc. But this is too much. But… it’s his home and yep, his life, so you have few options.”
“I’d find a way to move out, away from your father. He’s disgraceful.”
“This isn’t even your sibling! You do not need to meet the woman who your father was with when he cheated on your mother.”
“Your dad sucks! He doesn’t get to absolve the fact that he’s cheated on your mom with this woman just because he and your mom are divorced and he can be with her ‘openly’ now.”
“He doesn’t get the right to play house and you don’t have to partake. I’d go no contact if I were you since his actions caused trauma.”
“I’m sure you will probably get a comment about how you should only be angry with your dad since he’s the one who cheated when married where she was just a woman with no moral obligation or responsibility to your mom (something I’ve noticed is slowly becoming a popular opinion on some social media) but it takes 2 to tango and are both deserving of your ire.”
“Again just go no contact, your dad and the entire situation seems toxic and should be avoided.”
“I know is your father but honestly do you really want this person in your life?”
“He made his choices clear a long time ago and you weren’t a part of them. You’re 19 now and I applaud you for your choices to not be involved with that self-centered, selfish oaf. Stick to your guns and don’t look back.”
You can read the rest of what the internet had to say to her here.
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