Missing Teen Found Dead After Being Beaten With An Electric Cord And Put Inside A Tote Bag And Now Her Great-Aunts Are Being Charged

Gainesville, Florida. 13-year-old Delia Young was reported missing on May 15th after her family said she was last seen in the early morning hours with blue and white star print pajamas on.
Valerie Young, one of Delia’s great-aunts, came up with a few reasons why Delia might have been missing and shared them with authorities.
One of the things that she said was that Delia was prone to running away from home and the teen would get boys to pick her up.
Valerie’s sister Marian Williams was Delia’s legal guardian. After Delia’s mom died, custody of Delia was given to Marian.
Authorities spoke with Marian, who also told them that she had no idea where Delia was.
As authorities began investigating what happened to Delia, they realized contradicting statements had been made about the teen’s disaapparance.
Ten days after Delia was officially reported as missing, one of her great-aunts walked in to the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office…
…And she had a shocking statement to make.
Alachua County Sheriff; pictured above is a missing flyer for 13-year-old Delia Young
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It was May 26th, 10 days after Delia had been reported missing, that Marian said she wanted to speak with detectives about Delia.
Marian explained that on the afternoon of May 16th, she saw her sister Valerie beating Delia with an electrical cord.
Marian insisted that Valerie had to stop what she was doing to Delia, and she listened to her sister.
Later on in the evening, Delia was clearly suffering from injuries related to the beating, and Marian asked the teen if she would like to go to the hospital.
Delia declined, even though she clearly had huge welts on both of her legs. Delia then went to her bedroom and Marian last saw Delia sitting on the floor on her computer.
The very next morning at around 7 a.m., Marian found Delia dead in her room. She was still on the floor.
Delia then called her sister Valerie, who rushed over to help her come up with a way to get rid of Delia’s now lifeless body.
Valerie put Delia inside of Marian’s pink-colored tote bag, and then put the bag inside of Marian’s car.
The sisters then drove to another home Marian owned that only they had keys to. They brought the pink tote with Delia’s body into the house, leaving it in a bedroom.
Later in the day, Marian came back to that house to sit near Delia’s body and mourn her.
On May 18th, the day after Delia had been found dead, Marian again went back to the house, but this time Delia’s body was nowhere to be seen and the pink tote that had been carrying her remains was outside of the house.
Delia knew this pink tote would be able to be connected to Delia’s death and her, as well as her sister, so she destroyed it and the evidence it contained.
Delia maintained that she had no idea what happened to Delia’s body though before admitting she told her mom what had happened.
Authorities then spoke to Delia’s mom, who said Marian confessed that she and her sister beat Delia “unmercifully” before washing her “due to her injuries.”
On May 27th, the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office announced that they had arrested Marian and Valerie. They charged both of the sisters with Manslaughter, Deprivation of Medical Care, and Tampering with/Destroying Evidence.
Valerie was also charged with Aggravated Child Abuse, while Marian was charged with Child Neglect.
Alachua County Sheriff’s Office; pictured above are Marian and Valerie in their mugshots
Two days ago, the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that they had found Delia’s remains. So far, her cause of death has not yet been determined.
Alachua County Sheriff’s Office; pictured above is a statement regarding Delia’s case
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