Her Sister Ruined Her Fiancé’s Hearing Aid On Purpose And Now She’s Asking The Internet For Help Because Her Sister Is Refusing To Pay The $5,000 For A New One

A 24-year-old woman is engaged to her 26-year-old fiancé and unfortunately, he has a hearing impairment that has gotten so bad over the past several months that he has to wear a hearing aid all the time now.

Their insurance did not cover the cost of the hearing aid, and so her fiancé had to use his own money for it.

Her 19-year-old sister and 22-year-old cousin decided to come over to their house a few nights ago after some shopping.

Her sister and cousin were talking about her fiancé’s hearing aid, and then they wondered out loud if it would still work if it was left out in extreme heat or cold.

“They asked my fiancé to do a little experiment but he refused to let them touch it,” she said. Later on, when she was in her kitchen, her sister snuck into her bedroom.

Her fiancé was fast asleep in the bedroom, and her sister stole his hearing aid. Her sister then found a hairdryer and used it on the hearing aid, without telling anyone.

Very late that night, her fiancé told her that something was wrong with his hearing aid because it was not working the way it should be.

Her fiancé wasn’t able to hear things well and then his headaches started. She was concerned that maybe his hearing aid was broken, but then her cousin sent her a message on Facebook.

Her cousin said that her sister took the hearing aid from her fiancé and put it under the hairdryer. As soon as she found out about this, she rushed over to where her parents live so she could confront her sister.

Her sister started crying when she explained to her that her fiancé’s hearing aid cost more than $5,000 and she had to pay for a new one ASAP.

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“My wedding is in less than 2 weeks and my fiancé can’t even be aware of his surroundings without his HA so it won’t happen until he gets new HA and this stuff is expensive,” she explained.

Her sister tried to say she didn’t understand that the hearing aid would be so expensive to replace and that she couldn’t afford to pay for that and college.

Meanwhile, her parents insisted she had to postpone her wedding so that they could come up with a good solution that would work for everyone…

…But if she calls off her wedding, it’s going to cost her a ton. It’s far more expensive for her to move her wedding back than it is to buy her fiancé a hearing aid.

She argued with her parents that this is now affecting her fiancé’s health and her wedding, so her sister needed to pay.

“My parents said they would’ve paid me themselves if they had that kind of money but I was unreasonable to take away my sister’s education money she worked for when I could postpone if I’m worried about not getting a new HA before the wedding,” she continued.

Her parents accused her of picking a “party” at the expense of her sister’s education and future.

“I left their house and still stood my ground despite them telling me I’m being selfish for not working with them on a solution for this issue,” she continued.

“Unfortunately My sister has done similar things in the past so It wasn’t too surprising to find out she was behind it.”

“My parents tend to let my sister get away with either intentionally or unintentionally ruining others’ belongings without any accountability.”

“Last summer she ruined her friend’s dad’s car but wasn’t told anything because my parents paid for the damages.”

“Now because I’m family then it was clearly wrong of me to expect either her or my parents to pay.”

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“The only immediate response is “Oh you HAVE $5000? GREAT! Pay up. Now. Or I’m going straight to the courthouse to file a civil suit against you.” Paying for her little oops will be a more valuable lesson than any college will teach her.”


“Sorry but that tuition money is a waste already if she thought it was okay to superheat someone’s personal medical device even after already being warned against it- your sister has no common sense and must face consequences accordingly; if she refuses to pay take her to small claims court.”


“She should pay for it. Also, how selfish of your family suggesting you just postpone the wedding, does that mean they intend for your fiancé to be deaf and isolated for even longer then?”


“I would also be very vocal in pointing out to the parents that this is largely their fault for not teaching your sister responsibility.”

“You feel bad that their inability to parent her correctly is costing her this educational opportunity, but someone has to be a grown-up and teach her what she should have been taught earlier in life.”

“If she doesn’t already know I would bring up to her your parents paying for other things that she broke and ask her how much they’ve had to sacrifice because she’s a petulant child who won’t take responsibility for her actions.”


“She STOLE his medical device and played stupid little games on it. Even if she was 8 this would be inexcusable behavior! She’s an adult!”

“In what world should she not have to face the repercussions of that? Paying for a new one is the least she can do. Absolutely ridiculous to play around with someone’s disability like this.”

“The more I think about this the more upset it makes me. It isn’t JUST the hearing aid she’s cost him.”

“He’s going through pain and suffering. I don’t know what he does for a job, but surely this has an impact on it, no job is made better through headaches.”

“He can’t help with wedding planning the way he could if he wasn’t coping with the loss of his medical device. Making this all about her college is completely lacking empathy.”

“She should be trying to find solutions, not trying to guilt you into moving your wedding because of her own horrible behavior.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say to her here.

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